"Hold em is to stud what chess is to checkers.", Johnny Moss

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Welcome Sana

Hey gang. I have a ton of items I been wanting to blog about, and I will get to them hopefully over the weekend. So expect some reading material for the next few days. In the meantime, I have been really focusing on my game and have been doing good overall. I recently finished Poker Tournament Formula and currently reading Mathematics of Poker. Also I finally became a member over at PokerXFactor and looking forward to studying the material on the site. I am anticipating being able to play at a whole different level by the end of this month. I am marking February as my month of training which I hope the time spent now leads to a good year.

Now that you know that I am alive, on to the real reason of this post. Tonight Sana finally joined the blogging family. Sana has been playing poker for a while now and has a great feel for the game. He does extremely well for never reading a book or doing much studying of the game. He is definitely a player who just plays by his feel of the game. It's working good for him since he has been in the positive for the last year and change. Tonight he finally took down a MTT on WPEX. I had the privilege of gracing the final table but got knocked out short of the money when my all in shove with 7-7 got called by A-K, my fate was sealed by an Ace on the Turn. Sana on the other had not only got cards when he needed them, but ended up dominating the final 5 players. I would love to go in to detail but I much rather Sana share the experience of his first MTT win on his newly created blog site.

Great game Sana, and finally.... Welcome.


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