"Hold em is to stud what chess is to checkers.", Johnny Moss

Friday, January 26, 2007

New Keyboard and a Plan

Well I did it, I finally broke down and purchased a new wireless keyboard and mouse. How does this relate to poker? Well I will not be folding pocket Kings anymore that's for sure! I also got some of my "to-do" list done (as mentioned in previous blog). Tonight I am going to finish a few more things on the list and the rest this weekend. I have my days planned out for doing what on what day. By Sunday night, I'll be all caught up and I feel really good about it. Now that I have a plan of action, I might jump into a few games tonight. Nothing overly serious, just some action to keep warm. It felt weird not playing poker last night and I don't know if I could go another night like that. As long as I get done what's on my to-do list for today, I am going to play tonight. I'll probably start out with some SNG's and work up some cash, then invest the winnings into some sort of guarantee tournament. Most likely I will play on WPEX since I've been running good there recently. This weekend I'd like to work in some FTP tables, I ran 'Super Hot' (Sharkscope) there for a long time and still feel that I can rekindle that flame.

With a course of action I feel much better about myself and hoping this trickles down to the poker table. Maybe now I can focus on what my opponent is doing and not what I need to do at home. Today I feel great, nothing can stop me. I got up an extra hour early all on my own and been feeling pumped up ever since I made breakfast. Tonight it's on... I just hope work doesn't kill my buzz.


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