"Hold em is to stud what chess is to checkers.", Johnny Moss

Monday, February 26, 2007


Well I am fully recovered from this weekend's games. Being fired up on Saturday went "bye bye" after only getting 4 hours sleep started to wear on me mid day. I kept wanting to take a power nap but something always came up and forced me to stay awake. I went into the SJPC game half asleep but managed to build up a healthy stack early on. Of course hitting a straight flush put a bunch of chips on my side, I was easily the chip leader half way through the action. Then it happen... a bad call on a good read? I'm not sure. I was in the BB and got folded to the SB. The SB is very aggressive, loves to bluff, and loves Ace cards. He limps in and I look down at JJ. The blinds were 500-1000/200 at the time so I pump it up to 4k (no limping allowed sir). He takes about 5 minutes and moves all in. I think about this and figured he is just trying to steal here, to protect his blind. I am really feeling he thinks I am on a bluff but I have some problems. I put him on A-x so I know he has at least one overcard. As well, he is second in command, calling here leaves me with about 18k left over. Folding keeps me almost at 50k. I look at him and say, "I know you got Ace high but I call." Indeed he flips over A-8 and I show my JJ. The flop comes with all unders, the Turn an Ace, and the River an Eight. He wins and becomes massive chip leader. Now I look back on it I guess I shouldn't have called with the Jacks. Technically I made the right call as far as putting your money in with the best hand, but loosing to him crippled me. I soon turned into all in or nothing, and got busted about 7 orbits and 2 blind levels later. Just a horrible way to exit after being the leader for so long. But I blame a lot on myself. I made a few mistakes that cost me chips, plus I was falling asleep doing the action and also battling a massive headache. I blame the headache on the cigar smoking combined with the lack of sleep. But I definitely wasn't focused.

Now it's Monday and it's back to work. Hopefully I can redeem myself this week and get some of the cash back I donked away this weekend. Might do another live game tonight, we will see who's up for playing. Until then, cheers!


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